The Verandah is a large site co-located on servers in Melbourne Australia and Philadelphia U.S.A. All date and time stamps displayed at the Verandah are set to local Melbourne time.
To chat at the Verandah and use many of its services one need only register as a guest. After registration you are free to explore the site.
Verandah Members will want to bookmark the site's Member Controls as their primary point of entry. Each Member has a primary username, and upon entering with it all Member Control Room options will be made available and SHOULD BE SET. These options will remain valid until you leave the site, close your Web browser, or fail to reload for an extended period of time. You may reset your Control Room selections at any time.
The Verandah is divided into four general areas:
Guests are always welcome at The Verandah.
To register as a guest and receive a limited-access visitor's pass.
Membership Chat Rooms
Guests are always welcome in all of the public Membership Chat Rooms.
Membership Chat Rooms include such public rooms as The Verandah, Riffer's Bar and Grill(e) and lounges as well as semi-private rooms and private rooms such as the Members Only Room and Members' Suites.
The Control Room is the first room that Members should visit and is the best room to bookmark on your Web browser to facilitate future visits. In the Control Room Members may set a variety of attributes prior to posting. It is recommended that Members set each of the four main attributes: nickname, nickname style, nickname color, and post color upon entering the site.
Rooms such as the Messaging room, e-mail room, and certain Fora are also included as a part of the Membership Chat Rooms.
Game and Contest Rooms
The Game Rooms at the Verandah are open to Members and Guests. Most Verandah contests are open to Members and Guests as well. When a contest is open to Member's-only such will be clearly designated. Current games available at the Verandah include: Scrambled Puzzle, Verandah Lights, Jumping Marbles, 3-D Maze, Hangman, Concentration, Blackjack, Checkers and Chess.
Some Verandah contests will employ features in the Game rooms. Other contests (such as the hidden word/phrase) are integrated into the chat rooms. Specifics regarding all current contests will be clearly posted.
Special Feature Rooms
Special Feature Rooms will be open to Members and Guests but may have additional features made available only to Members. For example the Postcard rooms are accessible to all, but only Members may designate custom images to be housed on our servers. Certain Fora as well as the On-Going Verandah Story room are also included in this category. Rooms for Members' home pages and the Verandah Gallery are also in this category.
Commercial Chat Rooms
Scrabble® Babble, Bowl Chat, and other Commerical rooms will contain advertising banners linked to their sponsors. Marketing for these rooms will be made to various audiences based on room content. Persons who register to chat in Commercial rooms have Guest access only to the Membership Chat areas within the Verandah. Verandah Members and Guests may access any of the Commercial Chat rooms as their interests dictate.
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