The main public rooms at the Verandah are: The Verandah and the Member's Only Room.
The Member's Only Room is the only public room that is "off-limits" to guests and is provided as a reserve place to chat should a guest be acting in an offensive manner if ADMIN is not available.
Lounges are public rooms that are sponsored by Verandah Members. In order to keep public posts on the site focused in a reasonable number of rooms, the number of lounges available is limited and based on a percentage of total members. The current number of lounges reflects a reasonable number for our current membership. Therefore the addition of a new lounge requires that either additional Members join the site or one of the current lounges be removed. Members who sponsor lounges are encouraged to develop a "hook" that will provide visitors with a reason to post in the lounge. (Ideas include: Special topics such as politics, humor, social discussions; Shared interests such as poetry, recipes , etc.) If a lounge becomes dormant, or nearly so (based on a 4-week period of "hit" statistics) the sponsor will be notified and the lounge's sponsorship may be transferred to the next Member who has requested a lounge.
In some rooms "Whispering" is activated. In such rooms you may highlight the name of a person to whom you wish to send a private post (Member or Guest) and only you and that person will be able to see the post. (Please note: There is currently a 12 minute time-out period at the Verandah. For that reason a person's Nickname will "echo" in a room for 12 minutes after they leave. If you whisper to an echo the post will not be visible to anyone but you.
This table provides the following: a link to the wallpaper room so that a suite wallpaper may be selected; a purge button so that past posts in the suite may be permanently eliminated; and a check list roster of persons currently on the site and your DNS.
If your guest is a Verandah Member you may send a message noting access has been allowed. If your guest is a Verandah Guest than he/she may reload in the control room until the link to your suite appears there.
(Please note: When a guest leaves the site he/she will have to be readmitted to your suite to gain access. This provides a failsafe against persons who may leave the site prior to your unchecking of their name.)
If the message is not displayed than that means it was not sent. Messages may only be sent to valid login names so double check your typing. No valid names will contain a blank. Therefore "Electric Dragon" is incorrect, while "ElectricDragon" is correct. Letter case does not matter in messaging.
Only Verandah Members may read messages. You may send a message to a guest, but that guest will be unable to read the message unless he/she become a Verandah Member.
(PLEASE NOTE: Due to space limitations and the risk of an occasional "crash" the Verandah cannot guarantee long-term storage of your messages. If there are messages you wish to preserve you are encouraged to copy them to your own computer.)
Archive transcripts may be read in several "frame" pages housed on-site. The limit to which you can load and read an archive is dictated by the buffer setting of your Web browser.
The Forum acts as a public message center and is also available to Members and Guests. Each Member may have administrative control over his/her own area of the Forum.