Dear Verandah Members and Guests:
By the end of this July 4th weekend all graphics at the Verandah will be located on our Philadelphia, PA, USA server except for the tiny icons that can be placed in chat statements with the addition of an aterisk. (Once the re-written chat software is in place those icons will also be located in Philadelphia.) One result of this change will be a noticable alteration in the background used in most public chat rooms. That background will be somewhat brighter than it currently is.
Directory pages, membership information, and member home pages will also be moved to Philadelphia this weekend. Those members who have bookmarked their home pages will need to change their bookmarks. Home pages will be located at --
Over the next few weeks you will see the menu options at the top of chat pages change. At first several of the new options will not be accessible. Their text color will change to that of the other links at the Verandah when they come on-line. We will also make an announcement here and on-site when they become accessible.
Keep in mind the two static front page URLs for the Verandah are:
Enjoy your weekend!
Chris and Pat